移动mm 发表于 2017-12-1 09:16:32

盛晓玫 -【亲密的朋友】(Dear Friend)泥土音乐[APE]


盛晓玫创作专辑, 首次与多位好莱坞专业音乐人合作, 曲风多样, 信息感人, 令人耳目一新!
   Amy Sand's 1st album. You'll enjoy the quality performance by Hollywood talents, broad range of music styles, and penetrating messages behind the anointed voices.






盛晓玫,人如其名,总带者像玫瑰盛开迎向阳光般的喜乐,其热力常感染著身旁的人。 盛晓玫曾多次与教会著名音乐事奉团队合作,演唱及创作过许多耳熟能详的歌曲(如档案),甜而不腻的唱腔,更拉近与听者间的距离。

Q: 盛晓玫的成长背景?Amy Sand's general background?
A: 生长在台湾, 父母来自浙江及上海. 从小就喜欢音乐,但从未受过专业训练. 台大国贸系毕业后, 到美国 UCLA 拿了企管硕士, 主修财务, 毕业后陆续任职美国金融机构及其他企业主管, 似乎与音乐越走越远.但神却在她信主后, 奇妙带领她走上一条完全陌生的音乐服事的道路.
A: Amy was born and raised in Taiwan, but her parents came from China.She loved music since childhood, but never received any formal training. After graduating from Taiwan University, she came to the US for a master degree in business from UCLA, and then started a successful career in finance with some large corporations in the US.Later she accepted Christ, and God miraculously led her back to her true love, and she started to serve Him in music ministries.

Q: 主要参与过的音乐服事? Music ministries which she has participated?
A: 美国 “赞美之泉”, “王子音乐”, “开路者” 等福音机购.多年来在美国洛杉矶国际大使命教会担任敬拜赞美团队主领.2004年成立泥土音乐后, 开始创作, 制作并主唱诗歌专辑, 数年来受邀带领泥土音乐团队至世界各地举办音乐布道会.
A: Stream of Praise, Children of God, Kairos, etc.She is also a worship leader at her church in the US for many years.Since the start of Clay Music in 2004, she has served as a composer/producer/singer in all Clay Music albums, and she and her band have been touring by invitation all over the world.




                        01. 亲密的朋友 Dear Friend
02. 为何对我这么好 Why Are You So Good to Me
03. 你名何其美 How Majestic Is Your Name
04. 打开黑暗的角落 Open the Darkest Corner
05. 放手交给祂 Let Go and Let God
06. 给你真平安 True Peace
07. 荣耀归神 平安给人 Glory to God, Peace to Men
08. 自由 Freedom
09. 水火 Water and Fire
10. 我一生 All My Life
11. 新天地 New Heaven and New Earth      

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