耳机煲机 发表于 2017-12-3 18:21:14

西游记系列歌曲 Journey to the West (1986)

1、通天大道宽又阔 《三叶草》演唱组合唱 崔京浩领唱 (The Path to Heaven is Wide)
2、庄严我神州大地 张迈 (The Dignity of Our Land)
3、看我跃马扬鞭 迟重瑞 (Watch Me Ride My Horse and Wave My Whip)
4、伴君常开花一朵 潘军 (By Your Side, A Flower Often Blossoms)
5、就这样走 陈小涛(Just Leave Like This)
6、多少情和意 吴静 牟炫甫(How Much Love and Meaning)
7、青青菩提树 杨洋(Green Bodhi Tree)
8、天竺少女 祖海(Indian Girl)
9、五百年桑田沧海 王立军(500 Years of Great Changes)
10、何必西天万里遥 吴静(Why Must the West Heaven be So Far Away)
11、晴天月儿明 庞龙(Clear Sky, Bright Moon)
12、大圣歌 庞龙(Song of the Great Sage)
13、留不住去也难 李殊(Cannot Make You Stay, Leaving is Also Difficult)
14、心中有路是坦途 迟重瑞(The Road in Your Heart is a Level Path)CD2
1、敢问路在何方-蒋大为(Dare to Ask Where Is the Road)
2、女儿情-吴静(Women’s Feelings)
3、相见难别亦难-张健(Meeting is Difficult, Parting Ways is Also Difficult)
4、走啊走-黎光(Let’s Go)
5、吹不散这点点愁-牟炫甫(Cannot Blow Away This Little Bit of Misery)
6、取经归来-蒋大为(Returning with the Scriptures)
7、敢问路在何方-伴奏(Dare to Ask Where Is the Road)-Instruments
8、女儿情-伴奏(Women’s Feelings)-Instruments
9、天竺少女-伴奏(Indian Girl)-Instruments
10、通天大道宽又阔-伴奏(The Path to Heaven is Wide)-Instruments
11、庄严我神州大地-伴奏(The Dignity of Our Land)-Instruments
12、看我跃马扬鞭-伴奏(Watch Me Ride My Horse and Wave My Whip)-Instruments
13、取经归来-伴奏 (Returning with the Scriptures)-Instruments      

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scottxiu 发表于 2022-5-6 16:01:24

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