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Michael Hoppe & Martin Tillman -The Poet : Romances for Cello
专辑名称: The Poet:Romances for Cello(诗人-大提琴的浪漫史)
专辑艺人: Michael Hoppe & Martin Tillmann
发行时间: 1997年04月15日
唱片公司:Elektra Records
音乐类型: New Age
This multimedia album mixes music with poetry and classicphotographic portraits of the poets. The connection comes throughcomposer Michael Hoppe, who had recently rediscovered the 5,000image collection of his grandfather, famed portrait photographerE.O. Hoppe (1878-1972). Each of the 11 pieces for solo cello(performed by Swiss cellist Martin Tillman) was inspired by aseparate poem; the liner notes match poem to portrait. Hoppe'scompositions are classically romantic, the essence of a Schumann orBrahms, but without their churning storminess. Although the cellohas a wide range, and can even growl when the occasion warrants,Hoppe does not lead the cello to those non-sonorous places; whenpeople say they love the cello, it is this voice, this range, thisromance, this timbre that they love. Most romantic concertos havedramatic and bombastic sections, a test of dexterity to be sure,but most listeners really cherish the tender passages ofredemption, love, or purity. The orchestra hushes and the cellocries tender tears. Hoppe offers a whole album of just thosemoments. Tillman plays with extreme warmth and sensitivity; Hoppe'spiano and string chamber ensemble arrangements on the keyboardpresent the cello like the a blue robin's egg in the nest. Hoppesays that the pieces were fully rehearsed and played live in thestudio, all the way through with no overdubbing; the album has thatimmediacy and integrity. Of course, each poem has its own ambience."Some Other Time" (Carl Sandburg/"The Great Hunt") expresses anachingly simple longing. "Moon Ghosts" (Aldous Huxley/"A Sunset")offers a heartbreaking theme where the lonely poet rekindles amoment of desire. "Diamonds of Rain" (Edward Thomas/"It Rains")also broods over lost romance. Hoppe's Robert Frost poem "A MinorBird" has the country simplicity of an Aaron Copland composition.The most rhapsodic piece ("Riddles") is based on the shortest poem,a drowned-in-love conundrum titled "Juliet" by Hilaire Belloc.Other poets represented include Kahlil Gibran, A.E. Houseman, AliceMeynell, Sara Teasdale, G.K. Chesterton, and Walter de la Mare. Twoother albums complete the Hoppe photography set: The Yearning andThe Dreamer (due to be released by Teldec in the fall of 1997),both with flautist Tim Wheater.by Carol Wright
01. Some Other Things (for CarlSandburg)
02. Moon Ghosts (for Aldous Huxley)
03. Diamonds of Rain (for EdwardThomas)
04. Flight (for Robert Frost)
05. Renouncement (for Alice Meynell)
06. Hidden in the Heart (for SaraTeasdale)
07. Riddles (for Hilaire Belloc)
08. Prayer (for Kahil Gilbran)
09. Changes (for A. E. Housman)
10. Gold Leaves (for G. K. Chesterton)
11. Shadows (for Walter de la Mare)
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