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Various Artists -《The GreatestArtists of Blues Guitar》[FLAC]
专辑英文名: The Greatest Artists of Blues Guitar
歌手: Various Artists
音乐风格: 蓝调
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 1995年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
这张专辑是多年前在一个朋友那拿来听的 顺便拷下来了 专辑中全都是大师的杰作 各个不同时期布鲁斯大师的杰作 如GaryMoore,Eric Clapton,Stevie Ray Vanughan和B.B.King等大师 绝对好听 绝对经典望多多支持!
01.Still Got The Blues - Gary Moore
02.Layia - Eric Clapton
03.True Lies - Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band
04.Brother In Arms - Dire Straits
05.Little Wing - Stevie Ray Vanughan And Double Trouble
06.Johnny Guitar - Johnny Winter
07.Don't Lose Your Cool - Albert Collins
08.Three O'Clock Blues - B.B.King
09.I Could Have Stood You Up - Keith Richards.
10.No One Can Forgive Me But My Baby - John Hammond
11.Dust My Blues - Tcolin James
12.Guitar/Too Tired - Johnny/Watson
13.Cadillac(Baby) - Colin James
14.Boojie At Russian Hill - John Lee Hooker
15.Love Scars - Bill Perry
16.Love Slipped In - The Duke Robillard Band
17.Cry Before I Go - Jimmy Reed
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