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The band was extremely excited about the details of this show. If anyone doubts this, consider the orange set and the gold angels. The group had asked for the two heavenly creatures, but the request turned out to be almost impossible to fulfill. Finally, after we had all but given up on the concept, a studio worker announced that he'd just been across the street to a new space, designed as a party venue. 'They've got a couple of angels over there,' he said, 'but they're pretty nice. I don't think they'd rent them. Besides, they're white.' Minutes later we were carting out our newest set addition: two perfect angels, freshly spray-painted gold."
早期的Duran Duran成员异动频繁,直到1980年,乐团阵容才正式底定为键盘手Nick Rhodes、贝斯手John Taylor、吉他手Andy Taylor、鼓手Roger Taylor以及主唱Simon LeBon。81年春,他们以获得第12名佳绩的首支单曲一鸣惊人,随后推出的单曲更进一步攻占前10名。同年秋乐团以首张同名专辑“Duran Duran”荣登排行季军,此专辑共在榜上盘蜛了118周之久。82年春,趁胜追击的第二张专辑“Rio”于进榜首周即进占亚军席次,选自辑中的单曲如、亦相继享有Top 10的优异成绩。同年底Duran Duran以迷你混音专辑“Carnival”进军美国。在MTV的推波助澜之下,于83年初一举攻占美国榜前10名,同年夏天单曲更同时称霸英美排行,而“Rio”也陆续登上了英美两地专辑榜的前10名,总销售量突破了200万张。年底乐团再以“Seven And The Ragged Tigher”荣登英国专辑榜冠军、美国榜第8名,辑中除畅销单曲外,亦收录了英美单曲榜双料冠军单曲。
1984年底,Duran Duran在结束为时一年半的巡回演出后,发表了同时登上英美排行亚军的新单曲,随后并推出了现场专辑“Arena”,而85年他们则以007电影‘黎明杀机’的主题曲风靡全球。之后乐团短暂分裂成‘Power Station’、‘Arcadia’两个团体,但两组人马依旧在榜上各擅胜场。次年Roger与Andy相继离团,但年底推出的“Notorious”专辑仍在美国成为白金唱片,同名单曲亦进占前10名,而88年的“Big Thing”专辑则炮制出Top 10单曲"I Don’t Want Your Love"。
跨进90年代后Duran Duran声势不若以往,但在沉寂多年后,他们又于93年以备受好评的第二张同名专辑“Duran Duran”同步登上英美排行的前10名,单曲如、等更是再度跻身Top 10,证明Duran Duran的音乐魅力丝毫不因时间而褪色。
1 Planet Earth Guitar Tabs
2 Hungry Like the Wolf Guitar Tabs
3 Ordinary World Guitar Tabs
4 Serious
5 Notorious Guitar Tabs
6 Skin Trade Guitar Tabs
7 Girls on Film - - Lyrics
8 he Chauffeur Guitar Tabs
9 Come Undone Guitar Tabs
10 Rio Guitar Tabs
11 Too Much Information