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听他的歌,还是有那种满溢的欢欣,像清澈的阳光像绽放的生命满溢到只能拿来分享。Intro之后的第一首the sunshine song 就是这样的一种态度,面对生活的真诚与豁达。歌的配乐很简单,伴着吉他的和弦,整首歌几乎全是靠他的嗓音支撑起来,却是明净又动人。他慢慢的唱着生活总不是这样一帆风顺,有时阳光似乎总在别处照耀。他唱自己的希望自己的成长自己心里微弱的光芒,却还是带着谦逊与感激的说 if this little light of mine combined with yours today, How many watts could we luminate? How many villages could we save? 看似简单,但歌的层次非常的丰富,主题可以很小也可以很大。
第二首Traveler / Make it Mine,真是很好的过渡,一点点新鲜一点点旧识,当节奏开打一二三 'wake up everyone',那一刻的气氛真叫瞬间被调动起来,听背景里现场的尖叫,就知道场面一定很high。make it mine中间的间奏,新加的铜管(是小号么?)小小的带点爵士即兴的味道,质感真是动人。
Anything you want,是另一首新歌。唱的是世界大同的关爱与和谐。Music is what God wants us to do / Sing a song for me; I'll sing a song for you / When we put our voices together, / We create a harmony. 那种境界。
其余的大部分就都是we sing, we dance, we still things里面的歌了,但 Jason就是有这样的魔力,每次即使是唱同一首歌,都会散发着新鲜的活力和当下即兴的感染力,overwhelming。我不知道那是什么,但却总能被感染到明朗与欢快,好像心也跟着一起歌唱起来。即使已经无比熟悉那些曲调那些歌词,但总能听到更多的惊喜,大概这就是为什么他的live比studio的专辑更能令人无法抗拒的缘故吧。
Beautiful Mess: Live on Earth。去爱,去分享,去歌唱。如果每个人的内在都有一道光,那么请散发光芒,照亮世界。听这张专辑,真是满心欢喜的感激。——转自豆瓣muyi~
以下是iTunes Store对这张专辑的介绍:
Fresh off breaking the record for longest running single on the Billboard Hot 100(75weeks and counting),Jason Mraz follows up his platinum selling 2008 release WE SING.WE DANCE.WE STEAL THINGS:with a brand new release;Jason Mraz's Beautiful Mess - Live On Earth ;This full-length concert was filmed at Jason's Gratitude Cafe Tour date at the Charter One Pavilion - Chicago(August 13,2009).Directed by Darren Doane,Jason Mraz's Beautiful Mess - Live On Earth includes 3 brand new songs as well as the hits-The Remedy,I'm Yours and Lucky(with a special guest appearance from Colbie Caillat)
01. Intro
02. Sunshine Song
03. Traveler _ Make It Mine
04. Anything You Want
05. Coyotes
06. Live High
07. Only Human
08. The Remedy
09. The Dynamo of Volition
10. A Beautiful Mess
11. I'm Yours
12. Lucky (feat. Colbie Caillat)
13. Copchase
14. All Night Long
15. Butterfly
16. The Boy's Gone