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George Michael -【乔治·迈克尔伦敦演唱会】(George Michael Live In London)[DVD-R]









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  身兼偶像以及绝对唱作俱佳的世纪巨星,迅速将那魅力席捲全世界,顶著3座全英音乐奖+3座全美音乐奖+2座葛莱美奖+2座MTV音乐录影带等奖项加冕,创下全球唱片超过8500万张销售量的乔治麦可,累积4张个人专辑+2张精选荣登英国金榜冠军,拱出英国20首+美国13首Top10单曲的傲人纪录! 协同Andrew Ridgeley组成俊俏双人组浑合唱团Wham!,自1983年处女之航《Fantastic》开始,经过4年的风光出道历程,随后单飞展开个人演艺生涯。1987年问市首张独唱大碟《Faith》,惊人写下美国破千万大关的钻石级销售认证,一肩扛起制作和撰写工作的乔治,创作才华也备受肯定,陆续的20年岁月中,一再挑战自我的延伸音乐触角,努力寻求新灵感和突破,持续刺激自己的创意,成为一位经得起时间考验的传奇天王!当乔治在2006年5月宣佈举行17年来首度巡迴演唱行程「25 Live Tour」的消息后,首轮47场在开卖不到两小时,24万张门票即被抢购一空。此张节选於2008年8月24日及25日最终两场在伦敦Earls Court场次的《Live In London》实况录影,可说是为他「25 Live Tour」划下胜利且完美的句点。乔治选择身藏在后台将〈Waiting (Reprise)〉唱完,并利用灯光效果点缀整个舞台璀璨耀眼,接著乔治帅气的走上台前,以〈Fastlove〉炒热气氛,呈现整个迪斯可舞厅场景,当然与台下粉丝群呼动接唱也不少的持续加温;就在热到发烫的情绪攀升之际,Wham!时期的UK冠军曲〈I'm Your Man〉+US舞曲榜NO.1〈Flawless (Go To The City)〉陆续引出,第一波高潮就在〈Father Figure〉、〈You Have Been Loved〉、〈One More Try〉、〈A Different Corner〉等经典抒情曲中稍作缓和,还会看到大萤幕上投射出乔治和家人的珍贵照片。随后灯光跟著闪烁、合音天使於舞台上一字排开,伴随House节拍的〈Too Funky〉响起,又是欢乐起舞的派对时刻。虽然趁著〈John And Elvis Are Dead〉时下台稍作休息,却仍坚持延续前半段穿著西装外套+V领衬衫+牛仔裤相同装扮再度现身,拱出霸佔美国四週Top1的〈Faith〉和性感摇摆的Remix版〈Spinning The Wheel〉。换上警服詮释出柜之作〈Outside〉唱毕,粉丝的尖叫呼喊声仍不绝於耳,最后於卡拉OK大合唱的〈Careless Whisper〉、小嘉年华会的〈Freedom 90〉两首安可曲中,划下历时两小时Live秀的句点。对於从未发行过演唱会蓝光 BD 的乔治麦可来说,绝对是送给全球支持他歌迷们的最大年度献礼!

  George Michael is to release 'Live in London' a special 23 song full concert DVD on the 7th December 2009 through Sony Music Entertainment. This is the first live DVD of George's career. Recorded and filmed at The Final Two concerts in London's Earls Court arena on the 24th and 25th August 2008 these highly anticipated shows marked the end of George Michael's triumphant 25 Live Tour and were the last chance to catch George performing on a stage of this magnitude.

  'Live In London' features tracks from George's historic career including 'Careless Whisper,' 'Freedom,' 'Faith,' 'Everything She Wants' and 'Amazing.' A special behind the scenes bonus documentary, 'I'd Know him a Mile Off,' offers a glimpse behind the magic of these sold out shows even shadowing the man himself before and after his performances on stage. 'Live in London' will be available worldwide in two formats, double disc DVD and a single Blu-Ray disc.

  When George first announced his 25 Live Tour tickets were snapped up in minutes. The critically acclaimed tour saw George perform in front of over 2 million people worldwide with a 49 date 25 Live Arena Tour and a 30 date 25 Live Stadium Tour. In Summer 2008 Michael took his 25 Live Tour to arenas across North America touring North America for the first time in 20 years. In London alone, 350,000 people collectively watched him performing in Earls Court, Wembley Arena, The Roundhouse and the newly renovated Wembley Stadium, where he made musical history as the first artist to perform at the momentous venue in June 2007.

  His exceptional performances in the UK, Europe and North America received unprecedented praise from both critics and fans across the globe.

  "George proved he is simply one of the best vocalists this country has ever produced." The Sun

  "King George still reigns supreme" Mail on Sunday

  "a masterclass in pop genius" The Observer

  "A tremendous singer, a complete showman. All George Michael needs is a mic, his songs, and the magic on stage is instaneous" La Parisien

  "As he closed with the still stirring 'Freedom', his hands raised high, testifying like an evangelist for self determination. Then he was on his knees, giving the 'I'm not worthy' bow several times towards his fans. His crowds roared back, still dancing to the music, suggesting that maybe he was." Rolling Stone

  George Michael is one of the world's most successful male artists, selling over 100 million records world wide and encompassing 11 British No.1 singles, eight British No.1 albums and six US No.1 singles. The Multi talented artist also proved to be a big hit on the small screen as he parodied himself in Christmas specials of the hit UK television shows Catherine Tate Show and Extras.

  Last year George participated in the US sitcom Eli Stone, where each episode was titled after a George Michael song and George made several appearances throughout the series.                        


                        Disc 01:

0. Documentary Intro - That Is Not George Michael
1. Waiting (Reprise)
2. Fastlove
3. I'm Your Man
4. Flawless (Go To The City)
5. Father Figure
6. You Have Been Loved
7. An Easier Affair
8. Everything She Wants
9. One More Try
10. A Different Corner
11. Too Funky
12. Shoot The Dog
13. John And Elvis Are Dead
14. Faith
15. Spinning The Wheel
16. Feeling Good
17. Roxanne
18. My Mother Had A Brother
19. Amazing
20. Fantasy
21. Outside
22. Careless Whisper
23. Freedom! '90

Disc 02:

1. I'd Know Him A Mile Off! (Documentary)
2. Precious Box
3. Jesus To A Child
4. First Time Ever        

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