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2005年他所献上的第一个惊喜就是这张「The Way Up」专辑。这次派特以乐团的团队表现为主旨,以乐团为完整个体的前提下,创作出超过68分鐘的完美演出。目前的团员中包括合作近30年的键盘手Lyle Mays,以及多年伙伴贝斯手Steve Rodby。当然还有刚加入的口琴手Gregoire Maret与近几年一同巡演的班底,小号手Cuong Vu与鼓手Antonio Sanchez。一气呵成的即兴演奏理念,可说是这张专辑的最高原则。同时整张专辑也不赋予任何标题,演奏者必须随即兴灵感而走,没想到音乐的进行与变化是出乎意料的好。录音完成后,派特比喻整个演出很像是开车时一闪而过的窗外情景,速度的快慢也让心情有所转变,某个程度来说这也是一次电影的拍摄过程。无论您是不是派特的拥护者,放鬆一下,一起随音乐去解放深锁的心情。
From the beginning, this band has been on a mission. Throughout the group's history, there has been a sense of potential and an abundance of ideas that have been thrilling to explore. The Way Up is a long form piece that describes in detail many of the most pressing issues in our musical lives. The original recording (2004) was a milestone for us, but the tour that followed allowed us the opportunity to discover the piece in front of audiences around the world over the course of a 6 month tour. This film, shout during the Asian leg of that tour in Seoul, Korea, is an accurate and special documentation of the group at its best, performing The Way Up - Live.
1. Opening
2. Part one
3. Part two
4. Part Three