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Black Label Society -【Doom Troppin Live The European Invasion 2010】[BDRip]









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金属界最富盛名的吉他英雄Zakk Wylde与他的乐队Black Label Society---2010欧洲入侵:毁灭者末日现场实况

  80年代的美国诞生了吉他英雄,继Randy Rhoads之后其中两位在金属魔头Ozzy Osbourne麾下闯出名号的分别是Jake E. Lee和Zakk Wylde。Zakk Wylde以出色的外型、精湛的技巧和狂野的台风获得Ozzy的青睐, 获邀成为 Ozzy Osbourne Band的一员.Artemis唱片主席/CEO Danny Goldberg曾经说到:“Zakk Wylde是一位伟大的吉他手,Black Label Society自然也就是世界上最NB的摇滚乐队之一。”

  Zakk于1967年1月14日出生在美东的纽泽西州,从八 岁起开始接触音乐,十七岁时自组 Stonehenge正式进军乐坛,1987年以19岁的年纪进入Ozzy Osbourne担任其专属吉他手一职,来年参与专辑 《 No Rest For The Wicked 》 录制,一跃成为继 Randy Rhoads与Jake E. Lee之后,由Ozzy所提拔且年纪最轻的吉他英雄。直至今日Zakk担任Ozzy的当家吉他手已长达十九个寒暑,成为Ozzy团员中任内任职最久的成员。

  在此漫长的岁月中Zakk除了与Ozzy共事,他还闯荡出一番个人音乐事业,那就是先后组成Pride & Glory和Black Label Society两支乐团,亦曾出版过一张个人专辑 《Book Of Shadow 》 ,前者虽然只发表过一张专辑,但散发出的南方摇滚风味及乡村蓝调情怀至今仍为乐迷所津津乐道,而后者更推出六张作品 《 Sonic Brew(1999) 》 、 《Stronger Than Death(2000) 》 、 《 Alcohol Fueled Brewtality(2001) 》 、 《 1919 Eternal(2002) 》 、 《 Blessed Hellride(2003) 》 、 《 Hangover Music Vol. VI (2004) 》 ,以强悍的吉他刷扣与厚实的和弦进行,辅以重低音的破坏性的声波攻势构成音乐主轴,深获乐迷喜爱及乐界所推崇。

  2005年B.L.S.发表第七张作品 《 Mafia 》 , 回归到 《 Book Of Shadow 》 时期的风格,呈现出以空心吉他、钢琴为主导,加上电吉他搭配演奏出强烈的重摇滚节奏与抒情曲风, Zakk时而火爆歌喉加上时而感性的嗓音,可说是一张兼顾抒情与威猛的刚柔并济大作。《Mafia》在2005年3月的第3周,创下了他们的排行榜最高名次—第15名,也是当时那周独立专辑榜的冠军。不同于Ozzy时期的Zakk Wylde,《Mafia》是一张具有全新元素的专辑。相信乐迷们在历经多张飙悍狼嚎吉他轰炸的专辑震撼之后,将再次体验Zakk发自内心深处的铁血柔情。Zakk的头衔经常被定义为:摇滚乐传奇人物Ozzy Osbourne的前吉他手之一~ 但是如今Zakk正率领着BLS军团驰骋于金属战场上,吉他嘶鸣,鼓声隆隆,属于Zakk的新时代到来了.

After falling out with mentor Ozzy Osbourne following the recording sessions for 1995's Ozzmosis, guitarist Zakk Wylde struck out on his own with his first solo album, Book of Shadows, in 1996. When it failed to score any mainstream success, the six-stringer took an extended break before resurfacing with a new album and band called Black Label Society in 1999, featuring Wylde on vocals, guitar, and bass and drummer Phil Ondich. A number of different musicians would sift through the band's ranks during the convoluted tour that followed, but Ondich was back on the drum stool by the time Black Label Society recorded 2000's Stronger Than Death album for new label Spitfire Records. The subsequent tour included a slot on the second stage of his old boss' Ozzfest tour and yielded the Alcohol Fueled Brewtality Live!! album in 2001. The band returned to Ozzfest the following year (this time on the main stage) in support of the 1919 Eternal LP. Blessed Hellride appeared in 2003 and Hangover Music, Vol. 6 followed a year later. Mafia, Black Label Society's seventh album, was released in spring 2005. The following October, Spitfire Records issued the Wylde work compilation Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004. In 2006, the band began their relationship with the Roadrunner label with a new album, Shot to Hell.

The Black Label Society’s engagement with Roadrunner was short-lived, with the band departing the label the following year. Most of 2007 was spent with the members pursuing other projects - Wylde once again toured with Ozzy, while current members bassist JD Deservio and guitarist Nick Catanese concentrated on their own bands. A compilation called Skullage appeared in 2009, then Wylde pulled the band - now featuring Catanese and Deservio and drummer Will Hunt - into the studio for Order of the Black, Black Label Society’s eighth album, released in the summer of 2010.

~ Eduardo Rivadavia, Rovi

Video codec: XviD
Resolution: 606 x 336
Bitrate: 1700
Aspect Ratio: 16 x 9
Framerate: 23.976
Audio codec: AC3 - 640 kb/s tot , 6 chnls (3/2 .1), 48.000 kHz
Runtime: 1:54:12

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   5         4           1700 kBit/s        xvid      1:54:10

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01.Intro Jam
02.Stoned And Drunk
03.Destruction Overdrive
04.Been a Long Time
05.Ironman Interlude
06.Funeral Bell
07.Suffering Overdue
08.In This River
09.Suicide Messiah
10.Demise of Sanity
11.Spread Your Wings
12.Solo Acoustic Jam
13.Spoke In The Wheel
14.Fire It Up
16.Genocide Junkies        

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