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史上最强古典流行跨界天后 莎拉布莱曼东方风格之全新音乐奇想
*超级制作人Frank Peterson再度量身打造瑰美华丽的视觉听觉震憾
*收录普契尼经典「蝴蝶夫人」之全新预言「美丽的一天 It’s A Beautiful Day」
*全国各大新闻台美伊战争报导一致选用配乐「战争不再 This War Is Over」
*刘易斯阿姆斯特朗名曲「多美好的世界 What A Wonderful World」大胆全新演绎
莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman,1960年8月14日-)是英国跨界音乐女高音歌手和演员。她在迪斯科初试啼声,再因为演绎安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯的音乐剧而闻名于世。她在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上与何塞·卡雷拉斯演唱了《永远的朋友》一曲,并与中国歌手刘欢同唱2008年北京奥运会主题歌《我和你》(You and me),是唯一一位演唱过两届夏季奥运会主题曲的歌手。
以绝美女高音创下超过1500万张专辑销售纪录的莎拉布莱曼,在最新专辑《一千零一夜DVD》中,以中东传说为基底,彷佛成为一千零一夜故事中的雪拉莎德 王妃,穿越时空,将东方世界的神秘气息,编织成一次音乐奇想之旅,可说是莎拉布莱曼到目前为止最独特且最具个人特色的作品,不但展现了她在作曲方面的才 华,她充满热情的创意以及举世无双的歌声也淋漓尽致地呈现出来。承袭之前专辑的中东风味,莎拉的团队特别开跋到中东取景,拍摄12首歌曲的MV,它们是 《一千零一夜DVD》的主干,神秘、华丽,又带有丰富颜色交织的炫目感!《一千零一夜DVD》专辑制作则由制作过「谜」合唱团的法兰克彼得森(Frank Peterson)负责。
专辑同名曲「一千零一夜Harem」勾勒出整张专辑的情境与想象空间,这首歌曲在中东音乐与葡萄牙的民谣之间,搭建起音乐桥梁。「战争不再The War Is Over」传递以爱解决冲突的讯息。「自由Free」的灵感则来自于一首法国抒情诗,热爱自由的意念回荡其中,这同时也是整张专辑的核心概念。莎拉布莱曼 的想象力也为一些经典老歌着上新的色彩,她将这些经典歌曲浸在启发她的东方氛围之中,像是「天堂里的陌生人Stranger In Paradise」藉由丰润的管弦乐回荡出性感艳丽的鞑靼舞曲气息,衬托着莎拉闪烁微光的美妙歌喉;「多美好的世界What A Wonderful World」的诠释则是一次大胆的演绎,这首流行乐界的国歌在此呈现出更截然不同的风貌,甚至泛射出感伤的忧郁气氛。莎拉这次也将触角深入歌剧,以普契尼 的〈蝴蝶夫人〉旋律引导、从舞蹈得到灵感的「美丽的一天It’s A Beautiful Day」。
【引用】Sarah Brightman's "Harem" album is given the full visual treatment in this track-by-track video compilation of songs. Filmed in various ancient desert sites, including locations in Egypt and Morocco, the landscape shoots perfectly match the otherworldly nature of the music. Tracks include "Mysterious Days," "What You Never Know," "The Journey Home," and more.
【引用】Sarah Brightman has done it once again with the DVD video 'Harem'. The visualization of various songs from the album 'Harem' are lush with colour and brilliance and at once you will discover that indeed you are in paradise. Ms. Brightman continues to set the mood for romance in this offering and never sways from originality. She maintains the angelic voice which has made her someone to contend with, which cannot be matched. Set in the Arabian desert and locales within, the songs equally match the luxuriant atmosphere of wonder and delight. Truly a must have for Sarah Brightman aficionados everywhere!
01. Harem (Cancao Do Mar)
02. Beautiful
03. Mysterious Days
04. Anytime, Anywhere (2003 Version)
05. It's A Beautiful Day
06. Free
07. The War Is Over
08. What You Never Know
09. Stranger In Paradise
10. Nessun Dorma (Live)
11. What A Wonderful World
12. The Journey Home
13. Time To Say Goodbye (2003 Version)