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麦当娜,这个流行的象征,时尚的符号,已经陪伴了全世界四分之一个世纪。与众不同的Madonna ,深深影响了流行乐的发展,流行天后简直成了麦当娜的专有名词,也许有人说她不是最伟大的,不是最优秀的,但也不得不承认她是最红,最成功的歌手之一。身为“摇滚女王”,麦当娜给摇滚乐注入了新的活力,全世界无数次为她疯狂,直到现在,麦当娜的巨星光芒依然不减,无论时代在变,一代又一代人,麦当娜证明了她的流行并不是红极一时,而是超越时间的当红。麦当娜已在20世纪和新世纪的流行乐史上烙下了深深的印记。
格莱美奖最佳长篇录影带(Blond Ambition World Tour Live,,1991)
格莱美奖最佳短篇音乐录影带(Ray Of Light,1999)
格莱美奖最佳舞曲专辑(Ray Of Light,1999)
格莱美年度最佳流行专辑(Ray Of Light,1999)
格莱美奖最佳电影歌曲(Beautiful Stranger,1999)
格莱美最佳电子/舞曲专辑(Confessions On A Dance Floor,2007)
格莱美最佳长篇录影带(Confessions Tour)
JAPAN LD Laserdisc 07JL-38105
CLV, NTSC, Stereo, Digital Sound, 50 min
This is a very rare laserdisc version of the tour which was sold only in Japan. In North America it was only available on VHS.
The first Madonna's tour was The Virgin Tour around 27 cities of the United States only. It opened on the 9th of April, 1985 and finished in July, 1985. Madonna presented 13 songs taken from her first album and the second too ('Like a Virgin'). The show was animated by Madonna, two dancers anh her band. The show at Radio City Music Hall, in New York City, was insered into Guinness Book as the record for fastest sell out: 17,672 tickets sold out in 34 minutes. Madonna, was dressed in the look which made her a star, the "Lucky Star" look. The Beastie Boys were the opening act. During the Detroit show, came out on the stage her father, Silvio Ciccone. Madonna's father came out on stage at the end of the Detroit show.
This DVD version has been transferred from the original laserdisc. It has no menus or additional material. Video quality is very good, better than VHS.
Traduzido por Babylon 8
Isso é muito raro laserdisc vers?o do tour que era apenas vendido no Jap?o. Na América do Norte foi apenas disponível em VHS.
A primeira MADONA's tour foi A The Virgin Tour passou por 27 cidades dos Estados Unidos apenas. Ela abriu em 9? de abril, 1985 e concluída em Julho, 1985. MADONA apresentou 13 can??es tirada do primeiro álbum e o segundo ('Like a Virgin'). O show foi animada por MADONA, dois bailarinos da sua banda.
O show no Radio City Music Hall, na Cidade de Nova Iorque, foi inserida no Livro Guinness como o registo durante mais rápido vender fora: 17.672 bilhetes vendidos nos 34 minutos. MADONA, foi vestida com o olhar que faz com que ela uma estrela, o "Lucky Star" olhar.A Beastie meninos foram a abertura agir. Durante o Detroit visualizar, vieram de fora da fase o pai dela, Silvio Ciccone. MADONA's padre veio de fora da fase em o fim de o Detroit show.
Esta vers?o DVD foi transferido do original laserdisc. N?o tem menus ou material adicional. Vídeo qualidade é muito boa, melhor do que VHS.
Resolu??o ................ NTSC 720X480
Compress?o.............. MPEG-2
Mostrar .................. 4:3
Velocidade de Fotogramas ......... 29.970fps
Imagem ..................... Progressivo
Audio........................MPEG1, 48KHz, Stereo
Runtime: 54 min.
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01.Dress You Up
03.Into the Groove
08.Lucky Star
09.Crazy for You
10.Over and Over
11.Burning Up
12.Like a Virgin
13.Material Girl
"Angel", "Borderline" and "Burning Up" were not included on the official VHS release.