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◎眾多传奇艺人B.B. King、Ray Charles、Diana Krall.指定演奏
◎以第八张录音作品,探索古巴Rumba Flamenco的迷人丰采
「杰西库克Jesse Cook」父母亲皆为加拿大人的他,出生於法国巴黎。从小就成长在充满异国文化气息及多元艺术氛围的法国南部以及西班牙,无形之间,形塑出他独有且迷人的音乐气息。早在三岁时,他就拿著一把迷你吉他,跟著母亲的Flamenco音乐一起伴奏,随后在六岁多时,他就进入了非常出名的Eli Kassner吉他学院就读。完成吉他学院课程的他,之后更前往多伦多皇家音乐学院、约克大学、波士顿的Berklee音乐学院继续深造,厚植完整的音乐素养。毕业之后,Jesse Cook重返从小生长的法国及西班牙,只为了追寻伴随他长大,最极至、最纯净的Flamenco音符。在这段期间,他造访安达露西亚、科多巴、格拉那达、马德里,更在当地向许多吉他大师请益,不断地装填来自各地的异国风情。回到加拿大之后,他顺利地成为一个成功的作曲家及出色的吉他手,为舞蹈表演、剧场创作、多媒体影音、电视及电影,开啟生动的听觉调色盘。
Jesse Cook的音乐作品,揉合了加勒比、巴西、爵士、中东、古典及电子乐风格,自1995发行首张专辑《Tempest》大鸣大放之后,至今十五年间一共累积了七张作品。他曾多次荣获加拿大朱诺奖提名,并於2001年撂下一座大奖,而眾多的传奇艺人像是B.B. King、Ray Charles、Diana Krall….也都将他视为,演唱会指定演奏的不二人选。在2008年,他更创下一个全新的纪录,他在Smooth Jazz Radio榜上,以〈Cafe Mocha〉创下Top 3的好成绩,更同时以专辑《Frontiers》,在美国告示排新世纪音乐榜上夺下冠军位置,并在榜上Top 10位至停留超过70周的惊人纪录。
就在前作大受欢迎之时,2009年,Jesse Cook以第八张录音作品《The Rumba Foundation》,探索古巴Rumba flamenco的迷人丰采,为了在完成这专专辑,Jesse Cook穿梭在南美洲各地,寻求最纯粹的音乐感动。在完成这张专辑之后,Jesse Cook自己信心满满地表示,这张专辑是他出道以来最满意的一张作品。专辑中收录了重新詮释Simon & Garfunkel代表作的〈Cecilia〉、〈La Rumba D’el Jefe〉、〈Bombay Diner〉…一共13首迷人佳作。在他的掸指之间,世界音乐骚动灵魂深处的异国风味音符不停流泻,Jesse Cook再次成功地用音符,将文化韵味巧妙地蒐藏起来。
Artist: Jesse Cook
Title: Rumba Foundation DVD
Genre: Music Video & Concerts, New Age
Sub-Genre: New Age, Music Video (Concert / Performance)
Release Date: 6 April 2010
Rated: Not Rated
Product Type: DVD
Catalog #: CAP223274002
Import: Yes
UPC: 5099962841399
【引用】5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful fusion of great musicians and latin rhythms July 7 2013
By J. Martinez
Amazon Verified Purchase
If you like jazz, rumba, flamenco and Jesse Cook, you are going to love this DVD. Jesse plays this songs and others with Cuban drummers, and other musicians from Panama, Brazil, Colombia..and others, There is steamy music, dancing, solo performances, improvisations and juergas (jam sessions) Oh, boy, I love it, buy it today.
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4.0 out of 5 stars Rumba Foundation Jan 10 2013
By Denise Senécal
Amazon Verified Purchase
Not bad, but do not consider this one his best.The music is very good, all his music is contagious. All of his albums are either great or very good. Would recommend it to Jesse Cook lovers.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome...again and again. April 25 2010
By RUM Ba Cardi:)
The new DVD is about what you'd expect from Cook, and that is nothing less than superb. Obviously for Cook fans, it's a must own. If you're new to Cook, get Live at the Metropolis and this one. Trust me. I think it's evident that when you meet the cast of characters that went into the making of The Rumba Foundation cd, you soon realise that this is a collective process that came straight from the heart and soul and from many different regions and cultures. As Chris Church points out, even after nine years, he doesn't get bored with this kind of music and the people that play it. Yeah, I'm sure it'd be a thrill, nor to mention absolute joy and fun to be on stage playing this music on a regular basis and you can see that while watching this. There's a sincerity and genuiness about this music and a fiery passion from the people who play it--these people are having FUN! This DVD is different than the last, which was a straight out live concert, as this one has more extras and bonuses such as, meeting the players, new and old, some history lessons on Rumba, a section on Cook's fingernails, Juergas( music parties that break out on a whim? sounds good to me) and on and on. Of course there is great playing on this, and great concert footage, as well as private sessions, but there's just so much more. I especially like the shot of Cook playing his guitar in front of the fountain that precedes each chapter. There you get a great shot of his awesome picado and other technigues. If you love his latest cd as much as I do, you owe it to yourself to buy this DVD and see how how it came about. This is an awesome DVD that I'll be watching over and over again.
Actors: Jesse Cook
Format: NTSC
Language: English
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Number of discs: 1
Studio: EMI Music Canada
Release Date: Mar 23 2010
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (4 customer reviews)
Technical Information View Help for Technical Details
Street Date: 6 April 2010
Region: 1: USA, Canada
Disc Info: Discs:1 ~ Format:Ntsc ~ Region:1 ~ Country:Canada
Extras: Import-Can Cook,Jesse Clr Dvd-Standard
Product Description
Guitar Sensation, Jesse Cook teams-up with some of World Music's elite artists to create a potent new music hybrid. From recording sessions in Colombia with Latin Grammy winners Los Gaiteros de San Jacinto to a concert at the Montreal Jazz Festival before 70,000 people, Director Brian Adler explores Cook's latest chart-topping project, The Rumba Foundation. Featuring Colombia's Los Gaiteros de San Jacinto, Cuba's Chendy Leon, Sr. and Chendy Leon, Jr., Mexican-Canadian Amanda Martinez, Brazil's Maninho Costa, Samba Squad and many more.
From the Contributor
Mario Takes a Walk - Performance
Bogota, Colombia
The Musicians
Gaita - Performance
La Llorona - Performance
The Juerga
Bogota By Bus - Performance
Chendy's Mom
La Rumba D'el Jefe - Explanation
La Rumba D'el Jefe - Performance
Percussion Exchange - Explanation
Percussion Exchange - Performance
Chendy Senior
Jesse Cook, World Music Ambassador
Montreal Jazz Festival
Medley - Performance
Bogota By Bus, The Story
Cafe Mocha - Juerga Performance
Rumba Medley - Alternate Edit
What is the Rumba Foundation?
Maninho's Full Pandeiro Solo
Who is Jesse Cook?
Jesse Cook, The Producer
and more...
IPB Image
01. Mario Takes a Walk - Performance
02. Bogota, Colombia
03. The Musicians
04. Gaita - Performance
05. Dubai
06. Collaborations
07. La Llorona - Performance
08. The Juerga
09. Bogota By Bus - Performance
10. Chendy's Mom
11. La Rumba D'el Jefe - Explanation
12. La Rumba D'el Jefe - Performance
13. Percussion Exchange - Explanation
14. Percussion Exchange - Performance
15. Chendy Senior
16. Jesse Cook, World Music Ambassador
17. Montreal Jazz Festival
18. Medley - Performance
01. Bogota By Bus, The Story
02. Cafe Mocha - Juerga Performance
03. Rumba Medley - Alternate Edit.
04. What is the Rumba Foundation?
05. Maninho's Full Pandeiro Solo
06. Who is Jesse Cook?