01.采红菱 Water Caltrop Picking
02.半个月亮 Half a Moon
03.花儿与少年 Flower and Youth
04.十送红军 Seeing the Red Army Out for Ten Times
05.山歌好比春江水 Folk Songs are Like River Water in the Spring
06.太阳出来喜洋洋 Joyful When the Sun Rises
07.浏阳河 Liu Yang River
08.猜调 Guessing the Tune
09.茉莉花 Jasmine
10.编花篮 Knitting Flower Baskets
11.康定情歌 Love Song of Kangding
12.在银色的月光下 Under the silvery Moon
13.花儿为什么这样红 Why are the Flowers So Red