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Janet Seidel -《The Way You Wear YourHat》(记忆中的你)[FLAC]
专辑英文名: The Way You Wear Your Hat
专辑中文名: 记忆中的你
歌手: Janet Seidel
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2005年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语,法语
澳洲美声爵士天后 Janet Seidel 珍纳西度
被英国Penguin Guide toJazz誉为澳洲爵士乐第一夫人,珍纳西度是澳洲爵士乐坛数一数二的女歌手,连续从1998年至2001年荣获MO音乐奖最佳爵士女歌手提名、并连续三年三张专辑获得澳洲的ARIA大奖爵士音乐项的提名,她的歌声温柔甜美,近似PeggyLee,没有一般黑人爵士女歌手的火爆,而是有著一份女性的优美和活泼,在珍纳西度推出过的十多张CD中,这张CD可算是录音最靚的一张,第一至第十首於录音室以Live方式灌录,其他的歌曲则为演唱会现场录音,参与的乐手都和她合作多时,彼此合拍得丝丝入,浑成一体,欣赏珍纳西度歌声之餘,仔细品味乐器的演奏亦是赏心乐事。
Born in Australia's bush country, Janet Seidel has emerged asone of that country's leading cabaret and jazz vocalists. She hasbeen appearing frequently at Australia's top jazz and hotel venuessince the early '80s often working with bassist brother, DavidSeidel. Janet Seidel has also been featured at jazz festivals inthe U.S. working with such jazz notables as Harry Allen, DanBarrett, Dave McKenna, and Michael Moore. Her first venture intocabaret came in 2000 when she put together and starred in Doris andMe, a tribute to Doris Day's singing career. Often working withsaxophone player Tom Baker and always with her brother, she hasmade eight albums for the La Brava label. Her double album The WayYou Wear Your Hat was named vocal album of the year by Australia'snational newspaper and was a finalist for the prestigious Ariaaward. Her The Art of Lounge, Vol. 2 was similarly as finalist forthat award for the Aira Jazz Album of the Year. Seidel does nothave great range, but she uses the tools she possesses with greatskill and effectiveness. With her intimate style, great feel forthe lyrics of songs she sings, Seidel is one of those vocalists whois as much a story teller as she is a singer. The way she goesabout handling the music comes off as a fortuitous blend of BlossomDearie and Doris Day with an occasional nod to Julie London,although she is somewhat jazzier than the latter two. Like JeriSouthern, Shirley Horn, and Diana Krall, she often doubles at thepiano. Seidel has an exquisite, gentle, and agile voice and honorseach tune she sings, irrespective of whether it's a classicstandard, pop, or novelty song.
01. Lazy River
02. Manha De Carnival
03. My One And Only Love
04. Pick Yourself Up
05. Corcovado
06. My Foolish Heart
07. Tenderly
08. Someone To Watch Over Me
09. They Can't Take That Away From Me
10. Poor Butterfly (Recorded at Mixmasters Studios AdelaideSouth Australia)
11. The Way You Look Tonight
12. Hymne A L'Amour
13. I Love Paris
14. Comes Love
15. I Love Being Here With You (Recorded Live at the ArtGallery of South Australia)
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