专辑名称:二胡传奇(HQCD) CD5
01.江河水 River Water 6:50
02.寒鸦戏水 Winter Crows Playing In The Water 5:31
03.渔舟唱晚 Evening Chant of The Fishing Boat 7:31
04.闲居吟 Song of The Cozy Residence 6:27
05.二泉映月 Moon Reflecting On The Second Spring Under Heaven 5:36
06.月夜 The Night of Moon 5:50
07.赛马 Horse Racing 1:39
08.双推磨 Two Who Push The Grind 6:45
09.绝谷探道 An Exploration in the Dangerous Valley 11:07
10.花灯调 Chant of Floral Lantern 6:58
11.打猪草 Collection Grass for Piggy 2:29
12.迷糊调 A Blurred Melody 5:11